“Percolation theory is concerned primarily with the existence of such ‚open paths‘.” (p. 1) #Grimmett #percolation
Grimmett, Geoffrey R., Percolation. With 76 Illustrations. New York: Springer 1989. 296 S., ISBN 978-1-4757-4210-7.
“Percolation theory is concerned primarily with the existence of such ‚open paths‘.” (p. 1) #Grimmett #percolation
“Suppose we immerse a large porous stone in a bucket of water.…
“The theoretical account of this scenario follows Pomeau’s idea of an equivalence…
"A mathematical theory (or simply a theory) contains rules which allow us…
“A percolation process is the spread of a fluid through a medium…
“Les modèles de percolation utilisant des réseaux de liens partiellement connectés permettent…