Neu: Ross/Copeland: Serendipity and Creativity

„Serendipity and creativity are both broad, widely disputed, and yet consistently popular concepts, relevant to understanding the positive aspects of our daily lives and even human progress in the arts and sciences. The chapters in this book reflects a variety of theoretical and practical approaches to serendipity in various domains, including creative problem solving, sculpture, writing, theatre and design. Chapter authors address issues such as the nature of the ‘prepared mind’, the role of accidents, serendipity as a skill or way of engaging with the world and, indeed, how serendipity works as a concept and in practice in relation to the dynamic flow of the creative system. Those who wish to explore the nature of chance in art and creativity, as well as in their daily lives, will find much to ponder in these pages.“ #Ross #Copeland #Serendipity #Creativity

Ross, Wendy/Copeland, Samantha, The Art of Serendipity: Springer Nature 2022. 327 S., ISBN 978-3-030-84477-6.