Berkeley: The Absolute Existence of Unthinking Things


„´Tis on this therefore that I insist, viz. that the absolute Existence of unthinking Things are Words without a Meaning, or which include a Contradiction.“ (Of the Principles of Human Knowledge, §24) #Berkeley #unthinkingThings

Berkeley: Qualities and Matter


„Some there are who make a distinction betwixt Primary and Secondary Qualities: By the former, they mean Extension, Figure, Motion, Rest, Solidity or Impenetrability and Number: By the latter they denote all other Sensible Qualities as Colours, Sounds, Tastes, &c. the Ideas we have of these they acknowlege not to be the Resemblances, of any thing existing without the Mind or unperceiv’d, but they will have our Ideas of the Primary Qualities to be Patterns or Images of things which exist without the Mind, in an unthinking Substance which they call Matter. By Matter, therefore, we are to understand an Inert, Senseless Substance, in which Extension, Figure, Motion, &c. do actually subsist, But it is evident from what we have already shewn, that Extension, Figure and Notion are only Ideas existing in the Mind, and that an Idea can be like nothing but another Idea. and that consequently neither They nor their Archetypes can Exist in an unperceiving Substance.“ (Of the Principles of Human Knowledge, §9) #Berkeley #Qualities #Matter

Berkeley: Number


„Number is so visibly relative, and dependent on Mens Understanding, that it is strange to think how any one shou’d give it an absolute Existence without the Mind.“ (Of the Principles of Human Knowledge, §12) #Berkeley #number #mind

Berkeley: Ideas, Sensations, Notions


„All our Ideas, Sensations, Notions or the things which we perceive by whatsoever Names they may be distinguish’d, are visibly Inactive, there is nothing of Power or Agency included in them.“ (Of the Principles of Human Knowledge, §25) #Berkeley #Ideas #Sensations #Notions

Berkeley: A Mind Perceiving Sensations or Ideas


„That neither our Thoughts, nor Passions, nor Ideas formed by the Imagination, Exist without the Mind, is what every Body will allow. And to me it is no less evident that the various Sensations or Ideas imprinted on the Sense, however Blended or Combin’d together (that is whatever Objects they compose) cannot Exist otherwise than in a Mind perceiving them.“ (Of the Principles of Human Knowledge, §3) #Berkeley #mind