James: Experience


„Our experience meanwhile is all shot through with regularities. One bit of it can warn us to get ready for another bit, can ‚intend‘ or be ’significant of‘ that remoter object. The object’s advent is the significance’s verification. Truth, in these cases, meaning nothing but eventual verification, is manifestly incompatible with waywardness on our part.“ (p. 172) #James #experience

James, William, Pragmatism. A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking 1907.

James: Empiricism


„Now, ordinary empiricism, in spite of the fact that conjunctive and disjunctive relations present themselves as being fully co-ordinate parts of experience, has always shown a tendency to do away with the connections of things, and to insist most on the disjunctions. Berkeley’s nominalism, Hume’s statement that whatever things we distinguish are as ‚loose and separate‘ as if they had ’no manner of connection.‘ James Mill’s denial that similars have anything ‚really‘ in common, the resolution of the causal tie into habitual sequence, John Mill’s account of both physical things and selves as composed of discontinuous possibilities, and the general pulverization of all Experience by association and the mind-dust theory, are examples of what I mean.“ (p. 38) #James #empiricism #experience #Berkeley #Hume #Mill

Peirce: Experience


„An »Experience« is a brutally produced conscious effect that contributes to a habit, self-controlled, yet so satisfying, on deliberation, as to be destructible by no positive exercise of internal vigour.“ (p. 4) #Peirce #experience

James: Experience in its Immediacy


„Experience in its immediacy seems perfectly fluent. The active sense of living which we all enjoy, before reflection shatters our instinctive world for us, is self-luminous and suggests no paradoxes. Its difficulties are disappointments and uncertainties. They are not intellectual contradictions.“ (p. 94) #James #Experience