James: Radical Empiricism


Radical empiricism, as I understand it, does full justice to conjunctive relations, without, however, treating them as rationalism always tends to treat them, as being true in some supernal way, as if the unity of things and their variety belonged to different orders of truth and vitality altogether. (p. 38) #James #RadicalEmpiricism

James, William, Essays in Radical Empiricism and A Pluralistic Universe in one volume. New York: Longmans, Green and Co, 1943.

James: Radical Empiricism


„I give the name of ‚radical empiricism‘ to my Weltanschauung. Empiricism is known as the opposite of rationalism. Rationalism tends to emphasize universals and to make wholes prior to parts in the order of logic as well as in that of being. Empiricism, on the contrary, lays the explanatory stress upon the part, the element, the individual, and treats the whole as a collection and the universal as an abstraction.“ (p. 37) #James #RadicalEmpiricism #Weltanschauung

James, William, Essays in Radical Empiricism and A Pluralistic Universe in one volume. New York: Longmans, Green and Co, 1943.