Dewey: The Social Environment


„A being whose activities are associated with others has a social environment. What he does and what he can do depend upon the expectations, demands, approvals, and condemnations of others. A being connected with other beings cannot perform his own activities without taking the activities of others into account. For they are the indispensable conditions of the realization of his tendencies.“ (Chap. Two, §2) #Dewey #TheSocialEnvironment

Mill: Proposition


„A proposition being a portion of discourse in which something is affirmed or denied of something, the first division of propositions is into affirmative and negative. An affirmative proposition is that in which the predicate is affirmed of the subject; as, Cæsar is dead. A negative proposition is that in which the predicate is denied of the subject; as, Cæsar is not dead. The copula, in this last species of proposition, consists of the words is not, which are the sign of negation; is being the sign of affirmation.“ (Chap. IV, § 2) #Mill #proposition

James: Common Sense


„Common sense appears thus as a perfectly definite stage in our understanding of things, a stage that satisfies in an extraordinarily successful way the purposes for which we think.“ (p. 147) #James #CommonSense

James: Radical Empiricism


Radical empiricism, as I understand it, does full justice to conjunctive relations, without, however, treating them as rationalism always tends to treat them, as being true in some supernal way, as if the unity of things and their variety belonged to different orders of truth and vitality altogether. (p. 38) #James #RadicalEmpiricism

James: Process of Change


„Personal histories are processes of change in time, and the change itself is one of the things immediately experienced. ‚Change‘ in this case means continuous as opposed to discontinuous transition. (p. 41) #James #change #process #transition