Auffray: Spacetime and Continuity


“Further on in this paper we investigate the significance of the concept of continuity, concluding that it should not be retained as a fundamental characteristic of space in general and of spacetime(s) in particular.” (p. 1428) #Auffray #continuity #spacetime

Auffray, Jean-Paul, E-Infinity Dualities, Discontinuous Spacetimes, Xonic Quantum Physics and the Decisive Experiment, in: Journal of Modern Physics 5 (2014), 1427–1436.

Derrida: The Moment of the Festival is the Moment of Pure Continuity


„Rousseau’s festival excludes play. The moment of the festival is the moment of pure continuity, of in-differance between the time of desire and the time of pleasure. Before the festival, in the state of pure nature, there is no experience of the con­tinuous; after the festival the experience of the discontinuous begins; the festival is the model of the continuous experience.“ (p. 263) #Derrida #Rousseau #festival #continuity

Derrida, Jacques, Of Grammatology; übersetzt von Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins University Press 21997. 360 S., ISBN 0-8018-S83-S.