Spinoza: Gods and Kings


„The common people understand by God’s power His free will and right over all existing things, which are therefore commonly looked upon as contingent; for they say that God has the power of destroying everything and reducing it to nothing. They very frequently, too, compare God’s power with the power of kings.“ (Second Part, Chap. IX, The Mind of God) #Spinoza #God #king

Spinoza: God is a Thinking Thing


„God therefore possesses an attribute, the conception of which is involved in all individual thoughts, and through which they are conceived. Thought, therefore, is one of the infinite attributes of God which expresses the eternal and infinite essence of God or, in other words, God is a thinking thing.“ (Second Part, Chap. IX, The Mind of God) #Spinoza #God

Spinoza: The Power of God


„God can think an infinitude of things in infinite ways, or (which is the same thing) can form an idea of His essence and of all the things which necessarily follow from it. But everything which is in the power of God is necessary. Therefore in God there necessarily exists the idea of His essence, and of all things which necessarily follow from His essence.“ (Second Part, Chap. IX, The Mind of God) #Spinoza #PowerOfGod

Spinoza: God


„But God is one. Therefore the idea of God, from which infinite numbers of things follow in infinite ways, can be one only.“ (Second Part, Chap. IX, The Mind of God) #Spinoza #God

Spinoza: Body


„By body, I understand a mode which expresses in a certain and determinate manner the essence of God in so far as He is considered as the thing extended.“ (Second Part, Chap. IX, I) #Spinoza #body #god