Russell: The Conception of God


„The whole conception of God is a conception derived from the ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men.“ (p. 35) #Russell #God

Russell: Safety and the Belief in God


„Then I think that the next most powerful reason is the wish for safety, a sort of feeling that there is a big brother who will look after you. That plays a very profound part in influencing people’s desire for a belief in God.“ (p. 19) #Russell #safety #God

Russell: God


„Most people believe in God because they have been taught from early infancy to do it, and that is the main reason.“ (p. 19) #Russell #God

Peirce: God


„The hypothesis of God is a peculiar one, in that it supposes an infinitely incomprehensible object, although every hypothesis, as such, supposes its object to be truly conceived in the hypothesis.“ (Chap. II) #Peirce #God

Peirce: God


„The word »God,« so »capitalised« (as we Americans say), is the definable proper name, signifying Ens necessarium; in my belief Really creator of all three Universes of Experience.“ (p. 3) #Peirce #God #EnsNecessarium