Tim Black on Heidegger’s „Schwarze Hefte“

„Heidegger’s champions are right. He needs to be read today regardless of the revelations in black. But he needs to be read, not because he is right, but because his thinking is, in a sense, our thinking. He needs to be read because his profound rejection of modernity has proved too resonant to be ignored. He needs to be read because his stripe of anti-Semitism is in the process of being rehabilitated. He needs to be read because he needs to be reckoned with.“ #TimBlack #Heidegger #SchwarzeHefte

Heidegger: Neugier


„Die Neugier ist eine ausgezeichnete Seinstendenz des Daseins, gemäß der es ein Sehenkönnen besorgt.“ (p. 346) #Heidegger #Neugier