James: Truth Is a Property of Certain of Our Ideas


„Truth, as any dictionary will tell you, is a property of certain of our ideas. It means their ‚agreement,‘ as falsity means their disagreement, with ‚reality.‘ Pragmatists and intellectualists both accept this definition as a matter of course. They begin to quarrel only after the question is raised as to what may precisely be meant by the term ‚agreement,‘ and what by the term ‚reality,‘ when reality is taken as something for our ideas to agree with.“ (p. 166) #James #truth #idea

James, William, Pragmatism. A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking 1907.

Spinoza: Idea


„By idea, I understand a conception of the mind which the mind forms because it is a thinking thing.“ (Second Part, Chap. IX, III) #Spinoza #idea #mind

Spinoza: Adequate Idea


„By adequate idea, I understand an idea which, in so far as it is considered in itself, without reference to the object, has all the properties or internal signs (denominationes intrinsecas) of a true idea.“ (Second Part, Chap. IX, IV) #Spinoza #AdequateIdea

Berkeley: Idea


„Moreover it is evident, that no Idea which is not it self perceiv’d, can be to me the means of perceiving any other Idea. If I do not perceive the Redness or Paleness of a Man’s Face themselves, it is impossible I shou’d perceive by them the Passions which are in his Mind.“ (no. X) #Berkeley #idea

Berkeley: Idea


„First, It is evident that when the Mind perceives any Idea, not immediately and of it self, it must be by the means of some other Idea. Thus, for Instance, the Passions which are in the Mind of another, are of themselves, to me invisible. I may nevertheless perceive them by Sight, tho‘ not immediately yet, by means of the Colours they produce in the Countenance. We do often see Shame or Fear in the Looks of a Man, by perceiving the Changes of his Countenance to Red or Pale.“ (no. IX) #Berkeley #idea