Mill: Logic


„Logic, then, is the science of the operations of the understanding which are subservient to the estimation of evidence: both the process itself of advancing from known truths to unknown, and all other intellectual operations in so far as auxiliary to this. It includes, therefore, the operation of Naming; for language is an instrument of thought, as well as a means of communicating our thoughts. It includes, also, Definition, and Classification.“ (Intro. §7) #Mill #Logic #Naming #Definition #Classification

Mill, John Stuart, A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation. New York: Harper & Brothers 81882.

Russell: Pure Mathematics


„All pure mathematics — Arithmetic, Analysis, and Geometry — is built up by combinations of the primitive ideas of logic, and its propositions are deduced from the general axioms of logic, such as the syllogism and the other rules of inference.“ (p. 116) #Russell #PureMathematics #Logic

Russell, Bertrand, Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays. London: George Allen & Unwin LTD 111959.