Mill: Ars Artium


„It is in this sense that logic is, what it was so expressively called by the schoolmen and by Bacon, ars artium; the science of science itself.“ (Intro. §5) #Mill #ArsArtium #logic #Bacon

Bacon: The Magician


„Those who become practically versed in nature are, the mechanic, the mathematician, the physician, the alchemist, and the magician, but all (as matters now stand) with faint efforts and meagre success.“ (p. 15) #FrancisBacon #nature #magician

Bacon: Nature


„They who have presumed to dogmatize on nature, as on some well investigated subject, either from self-conceit or arrogance, and in the professorial style, have inflicted the greatest injury on philosophy and learning.“ (p. 7) #FrancisBacon #nature

Bacon: Continuance


„We apply the term continuance to the abandonment of a body to itself for an observable time, guarded and protected in the meanwhile from all external force.“ (p. 284) #FrancisBacon #continuance

Bacon: The Syllogism


„The syllogism consists of propositions; propositions of words; words are the signs of notions. If, therefore, the notions (which form the basis of the whole) be confused and carelessly abstracted from things, there is no solidity in the superstructure. Our only hope, then, is in genuine induction.“ (p. 17) #FrancisBacon #syllogism #proposition #word #sign #notion #superstructure