Bourbaki: Les structures topologiques


“Nous dirons encore quelques mots d’un troisième grand type de structures, les structures topologiques (ou topologies): elles fournissent une formulation mathématique abstraite des notions intuitives de voisinage, de limit et de continuité, auxquelles nous conduit notre conception de l’espace.” (p. 42) #Bourbaki #structure #topologie #voisinage #limit #continuité #espace

Bourbaki, Nicolas, L’architecture des mathématiques, in: François Le Lionnais (Hg.), Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique. Marseille: Cahiers du Sud 1948, 35–47.

Bourbaki: La vérité en mathématique


„Les mathématiciens ont toujours été persuadés qu’ils démontrent des « vérités » ou des « propositions vraies » ; une telle conviction ne peut évidemment être que d’ordre sentimental ou métaphysique, et ce n’est pas en se plaçant sur le terrain de la mathématique qu’on peut la justifier, ni même lui donner un sens qui n’en fasse pas une tautologie. L’histoire du concept de vérité en mathématique relève donc de l’histoire de la philosophie et non de celle des mathématiques“. (p. 21) #Bourbaki #mathématique #vérité #métaphysique

Bourbaki, Nicolas, Éléments d’histoire des mathématiques. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2007.

Bourbaki: A Mathematical Theory


„A mathematical theory (or simply a theory) contains rules which allow us to assert that certain assemblies of signs are terms or relations of the theory, and other rules which allow us to assert that certain assemblies are theorems of the theory.“ (p. 16) #Bourbaki #theory #relation #theorem

Bourbaki, Nicolas, Elements of Mathematics: Theory of Sets. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 2004.

Bourbaki: Mathematics and Truth


„Mathematicians have always been convinced that what they prove is ‚true‘. It is clear that such a conviction can be only of a sentimental or metaphysical order, and cannot be justified, or even ascribed a meaning which is not tautological, within the domain of mathematics. The history of the concept of truth in mathematics therefore belongs to the history of philosophy and not of mathematics; but the evolution of this concept has had an undeniable influence on the development of mathematics, and for this reason we cannot pass over it in silence.“ (p. 306f.) #Bourbaki #mathematics #truth

Bourbaki, Nicolas, Elements of Mathematics: Theory of Sets. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 2004.

Bourbaki: Greek Mathematics


„The originality of the Greeks consists precisely in a conscious effort of arranging mathematical proofs in a sequence so that the passage from one step to the next leaves nothing in doubt and compels universal assent. Of course, the Greek mathematicians, just like their present-day successors, made use of ‚heuristic‘ rather than rigorous arguments in the course of their researches“. (p. 297) #Bourbaki #Greek #mathematics #proof #passage

Bourbaki, Nicolas, Elements of Mathematics: Theory of Sets. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 2004.