Todorov: Noble Causes


„How much easier it is to defend noble causes from afar than to practice those professed virtues oneself. The love of what is distant costs the individual less than the love of what is near.“ (p. 28) #Todorov #NobleCauses #virtues

Todorov, Tzvetan, Frail Happiness. An Essay on Rousseau; übersetzt von John T. Scott und Robert D. Zaretsky. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press 2001.

Todorov: Solitude


„Solitude is not contrary to the state of nature but to the nature of man such as he really exists, that is, in society.“ (p. 58) #Todorov #solitude #society

Todorov, Tzvetan, Frail Happiness. An Essay on Rousseau; übersetzt von John T. Scott und Robert D. Zaretsky. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press 2001.

Todorov: What is the inherent defect of patriotism?


„What, then, is the inherent defect of patriotism? In preferring one part of humanity to the rest, the citizen transgresses a fundamental principle, that of equality. Without explicitly saying it, he accepts the notion that men are not equal.“ (p. 29) #Todorov #patriotism #equality

Todorov, Tzvetan, Frail Happiness. An Essay on Rousseau; übersetzt von John T. Scott und Robert D. Zaretsky. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press 2001.

Todorov: Systèmes symboliques


„Les propriétés des systèmes symboliques découlent logiquement de la définition du symbole.“ (p. 281) #Todorov #SystèmesSymboliques

Todorov, Tzvetan, Théories du symbole. Paris: Éditions du Seuil 1977.

Todorov: Signe


„Remarquons que le signe est fait ici comme chez Saussure, non du son et de la chose, mais de deux impressions mentales.“ (p. 103) #Todorov #Saussure #signe