“Duration denotes the extension of the past and the constant aggregation (or sedimentation) of this past in the present.” (p. 153sq.) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #duration #past #present
Schlagwort-Archive: Webmoor
Olsen et al.: Time and Weather
“Time is paradoxical. Here it flows evenly. There it is turbulent, with countercurrents, eddies, and whirlpools. Here it is gathered. There it unfurls over the very long term. “Weather” and “time” are the same word in many languages: le temps in French; o kairos in Greek (Serres with Latour 1995, 60).” (p. 152) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #time #weather #temps
Olsen et al.: Times
“Primary times provide the grounds for secondary times. Primary times are relational. Secondary times are processual. Primary times are spatial, yet saturated with a ceaseless, liquid motion. Secondary times separate space and time.” (p. 156) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #time #space
Olsen: Archaeology
“Archaeology has always been a force in the percolation of times by remixing the past in the present. Such polychronic simultaneities generate a time of successions.” (p. 155) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #Archaeology #percolation #time
Olsen/Shanks/Webmoor/Witmore: Time
“A linear temporality lays out the drama in advance. In this sense, it is teleological. This is what we mean when we emphasize that time does not constitute the sorting. We must understand time as the other way round. Time arises out of the relations. We have everything to gain by understanding time in this way. The first payoff: the pasts live again. They are proximate. They have action. They matter in more ways than the detached glass case of modernism permits. If we can no longer seek to purify pasts from the present world in advance, then we can no longer do so when we build accounts of these pasts.” (p. 153) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #time #past #present