„It is very obvious, upon the least inquiry into our thoughts, to know whether it is possible for us to understand what is meant by the ABSOLUTE EXISTENCE OF SENSIBLE OBJECTS IN THEMSELVES, OR WITHOUT THE MIND. To me it is evident those words mark out either a direct contradiction, or else nothing at all. And to convince others of this, I know no readier or fairer way than to entreat they would calmly attend to their own thoughts; and if by this attention the emptiness or repugnancy of those expressions does appear, surely nothing more is requisite for the conviction. It is on this therefore that I insist, to wit, that the ABSOLUTE existence of unthinking things are words without a meaning, or which include a contradiction. This is what I repeat and inculcate, and earnestly recommend to the attentive thoughts of the reader.“ (Of the Principles of Human Knowledge, §24) #Berkeley #existence #objects #mind
Schlagwort-Archive: mind
Russell: Freedom of Mind
„The mind which has become accustomed to the freedom and impartiality of philosophic contemplation will preserve something of the same freedom and impartiality in the world of action and emotion.“ (Chap. XV) #Russell #FreedomOfMind
Berkeley: The Objects of Human Knowlege
„IT is evident to any one who takes a Survey of the Objects of Human Knowlege, that they are either Ideas actually imprinted on the Senses, or else such as are perceiv’d by attending to the Passions and Operations of the Mind, or lastly Ideas formed by help of Memory and Imagination; either compounding, dividing, or barely representing those originally perceiv’d in the aforesaid ways.“ (§1) #Berkeley #ObjectsOfHumanKnowledge
Berkeley: My Self
„But besides all that endless variety of Ideas or Objects of Knowlege, there is likewise something which knows or perceives them, and exercises divers Operations, as Willing, Imagining, Remembering, &c. about them. This perceiving, active Being is what I call Mind, Spirit, Soul or my Self.“ (§2) #Berkeley #ideas #ObjectsOfKnowledge #mind #mySelf
Locke: Idea
„[T]he word idea […] serves best to stand for whatsoever is the Object of the Understanding when a Man thinks, I have used it to express whatever is meant by Phantasm, Notion, Species, or whatever it is, which the Mind can be employ’d about in thinking; and I could not avoid frequently using it. I presume it will be easily granted me, that there are such Ideas in Men’s Minds; every one is conscious of them in himself, and Men’s Words and Actions will satisfy him, that they are in others.“ (Book I, Chap. 1, §8) #Locke #idea #understanding #mind #conscious