Kockelman: Simple Relation


„We consider something a simple relation only when we are ignorant of its inner workings, or when it works so perfectly that it disappears from view. Both ignorance and knowledge may thereby reduce a third to a second, a ground to a figure, or a mediator to an intermediary.“ (p. 37) #Kockelman #relation #ignorance #knowledge

Kockelman, Paul, The Art of Interpretation in the Age of Computation. New York: Oxford University Press 2017. 231 S., ISBN 978-0-19-063653-1.

Bourbaki: A Mathematical Theory


„A mathematical theory (or simply a theory) contains rules which allow us to assert that certain assemblies of signs are terms or relations of the theory, and other rules which allow us to assert that certain assemblies are theorems of the theory.“ (p. 16) #Bourbaki #theory #relation #theorem

Bourbaki, Nicolas, Elements of Mathematics: Theory of Sets. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 2004.



„Eine Struktur besteht also, was immer sie sonst noch sein mag, in der Einschränkung der im System zugelassenen Relationen.“ (p. 384)