Wildgen: La brisure de la symétrie


“La brisure de la symétrie est en même temps une entité d’information discrète, car les petits changements quantitatifs n’avaient pas d’effet qualitatif ; après la brisure de symétrie l’observateur a gagné une information nouvelle sur son objet. […] Dans un article de 1992, René Thom revient au sujet de la brisure de symétrie comme source d’information.” (p. 4sq.) #Wildgen #Thom #brisure #information

Wildgen, Wolfgang, Le problème du continu/discontinu dans la sémiophysique de René Thom et l’origine du langage. The Distinction between Continuousness and Discontinuousness in René Thom’s „Semiophysics“ and the Origin of Language, in: Cahiers de praxématique 42 (2004), 1–16.

Thom: Day-Dream


„[I]s not day-dream the virtual catastrophe in which knowledge is initiated?“ (p. 325) #Thom #day-dream #catastrophe #knowledge

Thom, René, Structural Stability and Morphogenesis: An Outline of a General Theory of Models. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2018.

Thom: Techniques of Foretelling the Future


„It is striking how all past and present techniques of foretelling the future depend on the following principle: a generalized catastrophe (tea leaves in a cup, lines on the palm of a hand, drawing of cards, the shape of a chicken’s liver, etc.) is studied and its morphology is then associated, by a suitable isomorphism, with the preoccupations and difficulties of the client. This method is not absurd insofar as the dynamic of morphogenesis may contain local accidental isomorphisms with the dynamic of human situations, and often a gifted soothsayer may well elicit some valuable conclusions from this examination. To classify these isomorphisms in some definitive manner would be to embark on the characteristic form of delirious thought.“ (p. 330, n. 6) #Thom #future #catastrophe #morphology #isomorphism

Thom, René, Structural Stability and Morphogenesis: An Outline of a General Theory of Models. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2018.

Thom: Dream


„At a time when so many scholars in the world are calculating, is it not desirable that some, who can, dream?“ (p. 325) #Thom #dream

Thom, René, Structural Stability and Morphogenesis: An Outline of a General Theory of Models. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2018.

Thom: Science


„Toute science est avant tout l’étude d’une phénoménologie.“ (p. 5) #Thom #science #phénoménologie

Thom, René, Paraboles et catastrophes. Entretiens sur les mathématiques, la science et la philosophie réalisés par Giulio Giorello et Simona Morini. Paris: Flammarion 1983.