Gueroult: Die Lehre des Raumes bei Leibniz


“Die Lehre des Raumes [bei Leibniz] ergibt sich aus dem Zusammentreffen von drei Momenten: das wissenschaft­liche, das logische, das metaphysische, und, was den physischen Faktor betrifft, aus Erwägungen, die in Gegensatz sowohl zur Physik Descartes wie zur Physik Newtons stehen.” (p. 276) #Gueroult #Leibniz #Raum #Descartes #Newton

Gueroult, Martial, Etudes sur Descartes, Spinoza, Malebranche et Leibniz. Hildesheim/New York: Georg Olms 1970.

Olsen et al.: Time and Weather


“Time is paradoxical. Here it flows evenly. There it is turbulent, with countercurrents, eddies, and whirlpools. Here it is gathered. There it unfurls over the very long term. “Weather” and “time” are the same word in many languages: le temps in French; o kairos in Greek (Serres with Latour 1995, 60).” (p. 152) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #time #weather #temps

Olsen, Bjørnar u. a., Archaeology. The Discipline of Things. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press 2012.

Auffray: Space and Time


“[W]e presented a System of the World in which an active principle, the Xon, generates Space and Time by ‚occurring‘ in a substrate made up of i-points bearing no geometric relations of distance or proximity with each other—in brief, which do not constitute a continuum.” (p. 1427) #Auffray #Xon #space #time #continuum

Auffray, Jean-Paul, E-Infinity Dualities, Discontinuous Spacetimes, Xonic Quantum Physics and the Decisive Experiment, in: Journal of Modern Physics 5 (2014), 1427–1436.

Grimmett: Percolation Theory


“Percolation theory is concerned primarily with the existence of such ‚open paths‘.” (p. 1) #Grimmett #percolation

Grimmett, Geoffrey R., Percolation. With 76 Illustrations. New York: Springer 1989. 296 S., ISBN 978-1-4757-4210-7.

Gueroult: Leibniz, Descartes, Newton und der Raum


“Daraus ergibt sich, daß er [i.e. Leibniz] jeden Begriff eines absoluten Raumes zurückweist, sei nun Ietz­terer erfüllte Realitat, wie derjenige Descartes, oder leerer Rahrnen, wie derjenige Newtons.” (p. 276) #Gueroult #Raum #Leibniz #Descartes #Newton

Gueroult, Martial, Etudes sur Descartes, Spinoza, Malebranche et Leibniz. Hildesheim/New York: Georg Olms 1970.