“Networks, or graphs (a collection of nodes with edges connecting them), have long been studied in a prolific branch of mathematics known as “graph theory” and are often used by scientists to model the structure of many complex systems, ranging from technological systems and biological systems to social systems and economic systems. Human beings are surrounded by a variety of different types of networks.” (p. 1) #Chen #Network #graph #mathematics #structure #system
Schlagwort-Archive: network
Newman: Vertices and Edges in a Network
“Vertex (pl. vertices): The fundamental unit of a network, also called a site (physics), a node (computer science), or an actor (sociology).
Edge: The line connecting two vertices. Also called a bond (physics), a link (computer science), or a tie (sociology).” (p. 5) #Newman #network #vertex #edge #bond #link
Newman: What is a network?
“A network is a set of items, which we will call vertices or sometimes nodes, with connections between them, called edges. Systems taking the form of networks (also called “graphs” in much of the mathematical literature) abound in the world.” (p. 2) #Newman #network #system
Zheng: Phase Transition
„Percolation transition, the transition from a disconnected state to a connected one, has been regarded as a fundamental model of phase transitions in nonequilibrium systems. One of the most fundamental characteristics of a phase transition is its order, i.e., whether the macroscopic quantity affects changes continuously or discontinuously at the transition point. The percolation phase transitions in random networks were originally considered to be robust continuous phase transitions.“ (p. vii) #Zheng #percolation #PhaseTransition #random #network