Auffray: Space and Time


“[W]e presented a System of the World in which an active principle, the Xon, generates Space and Time by ‚occurring‘ in a substrate made up of i-points bearing no geometric relations of distance or proximity with each other—in brief, which do not constitute a continuum.” (p. 1427) #Auffray #Xon #space #time #continuum

Auffray, Jean-Paul, E-Infinity Dualities, Discontinuous Spacetimes, Xonic Quantum Physics and the Decisive Experiment, in: Journal of Modern Physics 5 (2014), 1427–1436.

Grimmett: The Random-Cluster Model


“The random-cluster model as studied so far is random in space but not in time. There are a variety of ways of introducing time-dynamics into the model, and some good reasons for so doing. The principal reason is that, in our 3 + 1 dimensional universe, the time-evolution of processes is fundamental. It entails the concepts of equilibrium and convergence, of metastability, and of chaos. A rigorous theory of time-evolution in statistical mechanics is one of the major achievements of modern probability theory with which the names Dobrushin, Spitzer, and Liggett are easily associated.” (p. 222) #Grimmett #Random-ClusterModel #Space #Time #ProbabilityTheory

Grimmett, Geoffrey R., The Random-Cluster Model. With 37 Figures. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer 2006. 377 S., ISBN 978-3-540-32890-2.

Olsen et al.: Times


“Primary times provide the grounds for secondary times. Primary times are relational. Secondary times are processual. Primary times are spatial, yet saturated with a ceaseless, liquid motion. Secondary times separate space and time.” (p. 156) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #time #space

Olsen, Bjørnar u. a., Archaeology. The Discipline of Things. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press 2012.

Dewar: Spacetime


„The key difference from Newtonian spacetime, then, is that there is no ‘persistence of space over time’: since there is no notion of a vector being ‘purely temporal’, we cannot say of two points in G0 that they differ by a purely temporal vector, and hence correspond to the same point of space at two different times. (By contrast, since we do have a notion of purely spatial vectors, we can say of two points of G0 that they differ by such a vector and hence correspond to two different points of space at the same time; this is precisely the relation that foliates G0.).“ (p. 55) #Dewar #spacetime

Dewar, Neil, Structure and Equivalence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2022, ISBN 978-1-108-82376-0.

Bühlmann: Communication


„A physics of mathematical communication challenges philosophy to welcome the concept of ‚mass‘ as a third in the fundamental order of physics, next to those of space and time.“ (p. 5) #Bühlmann #communication #mass #space #time

Bühlmann, Vera, Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres (Michel Serres and Material Futures); herausgegeben von David Webb und Joanna Hodge. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2020. 238 S., ISBN 978-1-350-01976-8.