Neu :: Bühlmann: The Digital, a Continent? Nature and Poetics


“The author discusses a natural philosophy way of thinking about digital technology that draws on the optics and sensibility of new materialism. In doing so, Nature and Poetics uses photosynthesis and nuclear fission as examples of processes that are as artificial as they are natural, to explain how digital technology can be seen in the paradigm of a „natural communication“ – a communicative physics. The book explores the idea that metaphors keep ideas and things moving and make them graspable beyond a strict nature-culture distinction, and that poetical and rhetorical ideations help to measure and proportion thought of the world. The author concludes: we can better understand ourselves and digital technology by looking at how there is coding in the natural world too, and by developing ideations of how energy, form, and intellect are in play together in multiple ways in an architectonics of world” #Bühlmann #digital #technology #materialism #nature #poetic

Bühlmann, Vera, The Digital, a Continent? Nature and Poetics. Basel: Birkhäuser 2024, ISBN 978-3-0356-2765-7.

Bühlmann: Oppositions


„Oppositions are poles relative to models that are to realize a great plurality of universal and continuous cycles in which there can be coexistence.“ (p. XII) #Bühlmann #opposition #model

Bühlmann, Vera, Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres (Michel Serres and Material Futures); herausgegeben von David Webb und Joanna Hodge. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2020. 238 S., ISBN 978-1-350-01976-8.

Bühlmann: Systems


„In real nature, generative as well as generational, no system is ever closed.“ (p. XIV) #Bühlmann #nature #system

Bühlmann, Vera, Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres (Michel Serres and Material Futures); herausgegeben von David Webb und Joanna Hodge. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2020. 238 S., ISBN 978-1-350-01976-8.

Bühlmann: Chance


„Chance can be considered as computable and as objective because it presents itself masked by informational code.“ (p. 32) #Bühlmann #Chance #code

Bühlmann, Vera, Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres (Michel Serres and Material Futures); herausgegeben von David Webb und Joanna Hodge. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2020. 238 S., ISBN 978-1-350-01976-8.

Bühlmann: Communication


„A physics of mathematical communication challenges philosophy to welcome the concept of ‚mass‘ as a third in the fundamental order of physics, next to those of space and time.“ (p. 5) #Bühlmann #communication #mass #space #time

Bühlmann, Vera, Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres (Michel Serres and Material Futures); herausgegeben von David Webb und Joanna Hodge. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2020. 238 S., ISBN 978-1-350-01976-8.