Manneville: Percolation


“The theoretical account of this scenario follows Pomeau’s idea of an equivalence of STI with a time–oriented stochastic process known as directed percolation in statistical physics.” (p. 57) #Manneville #Pomeau #STI #StatisticalPhysics #percolation

Manneville, Paul, Rayleigh–Bénard Convection: Thirty Years of Experimental, Theoretical, and Modeling Work, in: Innocent Mutabazi/José Eduardo Wesfreid/Étienne Guyon (Hgg.), Dynamics of Spatio-Temporal Cellular Structures. Henri Benard Centenary Review. New York: Springer 2006, 41–65.

Gueroult: La physique


“La physique est ainsi reliée aux vérités de fait contingentes et à la nécessité éthico-théologique : elle est concrète.” (p. 204) #Gueroult #physique

Gueroult, Martial, Leibniz. Dynamique et métaphysique suivi d’une Note sur le principe de la moindre action chez Maupertuis. Paris: Aubier - Montaigne 1967.

Olsen et al.: Times


“Primary times provide the grounds for secondary times. Primary times are relational. Secondary times are processual. Primary times are spatial, yet saturated with a ceaseless, liquid motion. Secondary times separate space and time.” (p. 156) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #time #space

Olsen, Bjørnar u. a., Archaeology. The Discipline of Things. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press 2012.

Newman: What is a network?


“A network is a set of items, which we will call vertices or sometimes nodes, with connections between them, called edges. Systems taking the form of networks (also called “graphs” in much of the mathematical literature) abound in the world.” (p. 2) #Newman #network #system

Newman, Mark E. J., The Structure and Function of Complex Networks, in: SIAM Review 45 (2003), 167–256.

Serres: Philosophie der Geschichte


„Dagegen muss Philosophie der Geschichte darin bestehen, sich in die Lage der Opfer zu versetzen.“ (p. 126) #Serres #Philosophie #Geschichte

Serres, Michel, Das Verbindende. Ein Essay über Religion; übersetzt von Stefan Lorenzer. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2021. 240 S., ISBN 978-3-518-03602-0.