James: Philosophic Knowledge


„No philosophic knowledge of the general nature and constitution of tendencies, or of the relation of larger to smaller ones, can help us to predict which of all the various competing tendencies that interest us in this universe are likeliest to prevail.“ (p. 187) #James #knowledge

Locke: Humane Knowledge


„This, therefore, being my Purpose to enquire into the Original, Certainty, and Extent of humane Knowledge; together with the Grounds and Degrees of Belief, Opinion, and Assent; I shall not at present meddle with the Physical Consideration of the Mind; or trouble my self to examine, wherein its Essence consists, or by what Motions of our Spirits, or Alterations of our Bodies, we come to have any Sensation by our Organs, or any Ideas in our Understandings; and whether those Ideas do in their Formation, any, or all of them, depend on Matter, or no.“ (Book I, Chap. 1, §2) #Locke #knowledge #mind #idea #understanding

Berkeley: Philosophy being nothing else but the study of Wisdom and Truth


Philosophy being nothing else but the study of Wisdom and Truth, it may with reason be expected, that those who have spent most Time and Pains in it shou’d enjoy a greater calm and serenity of Mind, a greater clearness and evidence of Knowlege, and be less disturb’d with Doubts and Difficulties than other Men.“ (§1) #Berkeley #philosophy #wisdom #truth

Knowledge and Human Power


„Knowledge and human power are synonymous, since the ignorance of the cause frustrates the effect; for nature is only subdued by submission, and that which in contemplative philosophy corresponds with the cause in practical science becomes the rule.“ (p. 15) #FrancisBacon #knowledge #humanpower #nature #submission