“Archaeology has always been a force in the percolation of times by remixing the past in the present. Such polychronic simultaneities generate a time of successions.” (p. 155) #Olsen #Shanks #Webmoor #Witmore #Archaeology #percolation #time
Archiv der Kategorie: Wissenschaftstheorie
Chen: Phase Transition
„One of the most fundamental characteristics of a phase transition is its order, i.e., whether the macroscopic quantity it affects changes continuously or discontinuously at the transition point. Continuous transitions are called ’second-order‘ and include many magnetization phenomena, whereas discontinuous transitions are called ‚first-order,‘ an example of which is the discontinuous drop in entropy when liquid water turns into solid ice at zero degrees.“ (p. 3) #Chen #PhaseTransition
Broadbent/Hammersley: Self-avoiding Walk
“The fluid will be able to flow from one point to another if and only if there is a connexion without dams between them, and this will be so if and only if there is an undammed self-avoiding walk connecting them (i.e. a walk which visits no intermediate point more than once). It is, therefore, appropriate to study the self-avoiding walks in crystals.” (p. 631) #Broadbent #Hammersley #Self-avoidingWalk
Braudel: Le modèle
„Le modèle est ainsi, tour à tour, essai d’explication de la structure, instrument de contrôle, de comparaison, vérification de la solidité et de la vie même d’une structure donnée.“ (p. 746) #Braudel #modèle #structure
August: Der Netzwerkbegriff
“Der Netzwerkbegriff trägt also bereits ein relationales Raummodell in sich, mit dem das territoriale Raummodell der Moderne ersetzt wird.” (p. 383) #August #Netzwerk #Raum #Modell #Moderne